The genocide in Rwanda di Alessia Fia


Among 1959 and 1961 "the Movement for the emancipation of the Hutu" [F1][F2][S1][S2][E1][I1]dethroned the managing class of Tutsi, it demolished the monarchy and it proclaimed the Republic in Rwanda(1961): it was a very social revolution, during which, in collaboration with the Belgians, the Hutu got off the structures of Tutsi power by the physical elimination of any Tutsi who occupied places of responsibility.

The Hutu also signed the text in which they vindicated the recognition of their Rights, they protested against the discrimination of which they are been victims and they clearly accused Tutsi of being the responsibles of the country problems.

1961:the Hutu, backed up by the greatest European powers, resulted winners and they named as president Gregoire Kayibanda[I1][I2][F1][E1][E2][S1], which however didn't enjoy of a particularly vast consent, representing only a small Hutu élite .

1973:Habyarimana became president and he declared that he wanted to bring peace, unity and development to the country, but, in reality, the power had been taken by the Hutu of the north, the people of mountain, driven by the general Juvenal Habyarimana, and the Tutsi became object of new massacres because many exponents of the dethroned government, for the most native of the south, were arrested and killed in the jail and, in this new wave of hate, also many belonging to the opposition of Hutu fell victims of the political violence.

During the eighties violence reduced in notable way: the economic situation and the social conditions of the inhabitants improved, and, as Habyarimana had promised, a new climate of peace was established. Habyarimana gave to the government an international image of moderation and he established friendships with the most important State of the African continent and European Countries, in particularly with France, at last he received many contributions from the World Bank and from the Monetary Fund[S1][S2][E1][F1][F2][I1].



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero