The genocide in Rwanda di Alessia Fia


1993: In the negotiations of Arusha the general Secretary of the United Nations , Boutros Ghali, proposes a Mission for monitoring the situation, so the UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda) born, composed by soldiers and observatories driven by the Canadian Roméo Dallaire [E1][S1][F1][I1], with the following finalities: to make Kigali a free zone from the weapons, to prepare the demilitarisation of the country and to allow the installation of a new government of transition with the purpose to favour the anticipated elections in 1995.

January 11 th 1994: the Canadian General Dallaire sends a fax to New York where he informs the maximum United Nations exponents that Interahamwe are starting an ethnic Operation, but, meanwhile in 1994 the Genocide raged for four months, the Building of Glass didn’t think about the risk of slaughter.

April 1994: a Nigerian delegate introduces a resolution through which he wonders to modify the order of the UNAMIR, and to send blue helmets to protect above all the civil Population.

April 1994: Boutros Ghali introduces the written relationship about the situation of the Rwanda: it speaks only about the violence of this civil war and about spontaneous massacres, but he doesn't talk about the organised killings of Tutsi and about the planning of extermination.

However the General Secretary proposes the permanence of the blue helmets (only 270 men) to contribute to the attainment of "cease fire". The blue helmets are not able to offer protection to political exponents neither to impose the respect to cease fire and, from New York, Dallaire is invited to not undertake actions that could cause loses, meanwhile all the world avoids to use the word "Genocide” and so to seriously intervene in the massacre.

After more than 1.000 soldiers from Europe, first Belgians and French, then Italian, very prepared and well armed went in Rwanda, but their purpose is alone that to let their fellow countrymen and the other foreigners to evacuate: 4.000 Europeans and Americans are evacuated.

May 1994: Boutros Ghali, after hundreds thousand of victims, perhaps thanks also to the Pope warning, finally affirms, in an interview, that in Rwanda a real Genocide is in progress and he proposes a project of intervention to stop the violence, but USA oppose him to this proposal[S1][E1][F1][F2] [E2][I1][I2]

1995: the African lecture opens with one minute of silence in sign of mourning for the president Habyarimana and only for him, not half word for the victims of the Genocide: Chirac doesn't invite the new Hutu president of the Rwanda, meanwhile the fugitive ones live under terrible conditions in the neighbouring countries and in September of 1995 Zaire begins the forced repatriation of 15.000 Hutu, stopped by the intervention of the United Nations.

In 1998 the organisation for the Africa Unity decides to start an investigation about the Genocide, composed primarily by Africans: in May 2000 all the levels of responsibilities in the Genocide are certified.

2004: The general meeting of the United Nations has declared on April 7 2004 “International Memory Day of Genocide in Rwanda”[S2][S3][S4] [F1][F2][F3][E1][I1].



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero