The genocide in Rwanda di Alessia Fia


In October the character of Genocide clearly emerges from the compiled relationships: many massacres and numerous Crimes against the Humanity have been perpetrated in Rwanda by the government.

January 1997: thirteen months after its creation, the International Penal Court has sent its first 8 orders of capture for criminal suspects of war, considered among the authors of the Genocide.

In these years the job of Arusha Court , whose closing is anticipated for 2008, has reached this important results: for example Ngeze, the ex manager of "Kangura", the periodical that has publicised from 1990 the racial discrimination against the Tutsi, and one of the announcers, Ruggiu, the founder of Radio Television Thousand Hills, have been accused to have exhorted the Tutsi extermination by furnishing names and addresses of the people to kill: the accusation brings 50.000 test documents, among which 600 transmission recordings of RTLM and copies of articles and cartoons published on "Kangura”.

April 2002: The trial to the soldiers guided by the colonel Bagosora, the planner of Tutsi extermination, begins. Important religious exponents are arrested and tried to Arusha: one of these religious as Seromba, Catholic priest,is accused to have organised the massacre of around 2.000 Tutsi in Nyange, in the west of the Rwanda.



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero