English Speaking Countries: India di Marilena Nicoletta

Students' Testing

A. Establish in the following sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. The majority of Indian women can read and write.T           F

2. Indian women usually get married in their thirties, after taking a degree.            T               F

3. The White Revolution refers to a policy aiming at increasing milk and milk products.   T        F                                                                                                                   
4. Through the Green Revolution, the government wanted to promote rice production.   T         F

5. The inhabitants of the slums will be obliged to move  from their homes because of the government plan to modernize the city.                                                                                              T         F

6. The textile industry is the largest industry which accounts for 26% of the country’s export.   T         F

7. India has got two major island possessions: the Landshadweep Islands and the western Ghats.                                                                                                                                    T        F

8. North of the Himalayas, there is the Gange Plain, where a third of the population live. T        F

9. National Parks and Sanctuaries are managed by private organizations supported by the Central Government.          T              F

10. India, which is a Sovereign Democratic Republic, in divided in 34 states, six unions territories and the National Capital Territory, Calcutta.           T                  F

11. Religion is a very important issue in India, where 80% are Hindus and many Muslims and Sikhs live in the South.                                               T                  F

12. The Untouchables and the the Brahims are placed at the extremes of the social hierarchy.  T   F



B. Write the date ( or the century) of the following events and order them chronologically

  1. The first invaders, the Aryans, came from the North……………………………………….
  2. Indian Independence…………………………………
  3. Buddhism was founded………………………………
  4. Creation of the State of Bangladesh………………………….
  5. The East India Company established its own post in Surat…………………………
  6. Persian and Greek invasions………………………….
  7. Queen Victoria was declared Empress of India………………………………..          


C. Match the descriptions with the correct festivities.

1. It celebrates the Victory of Good on Evil, which is represented as a ten headed monster.
2. It symbolizes the advent of spring.
3. It is celebrated especially by Hindus and it commemorates Lord Krishna's birthday.
4. It literally means "an array of lamps" and it is celebrated by Indians world wide.

    1. Dussehra
    2. Holi
    3. Deepavali
    4. Janmashtami

D. List the most important ingredients in Indian cooking and describe the two typologies of typical Indian breakfast.

List seven vegetables you met during the food section.

E. Writing

1. In the light of the collected data, write a short profile of

The President


by highlighting place and date of birth and the reasons why they are so famous.

2. You have to create a leaflet promoting India. Choose three of the aspects analysed and lay it out. You can use the information given in class and some extra information you found surfing the net or consulting the suggested websites.

Write 10 lines for each topic, use short, but correct sentences.

You’ll get three different marks:

Use of language  1 –2-3-4-5

Reliability and originality of the content 1-2-3-4-5

Coherence and textual organization    1-2-3-4-5



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