English Speaking Countries: India di Marilena Nicoletta

Teacher's self-assessment

English as  an associate official language.

1.      Establish if the following sentences are true or false. Write T next to the true ones and F next to the false ones.

  • The British colonial administration employed the use of English to allow Indian middle class to improve their condition and to get a better job.   

  • English is the first language of a great number of multi lingual Indians.    

  • Since British imperialism, English has been the Indian Official language.   

  • David Crystal’s survey shows that India is the country with the largest number of English speakers.     

  • India has got 14 national languages and 1652 dialects. 

2. Explain the difference between code switching and code mixing.

3. Explain why English can be defined as a lingua franca.    

4. What does the “three language formula” refer to. Was it succesfull?


1. Where are the most important Indian regions? Indicate them in the  map.

2. Where are the most important cities? Indicate them in the map.


1.      List India first invaders by specifying the date or the century in which they invaded the country.

2.      What role did the East India Company play in British colonisation? When did the British government take control of India?

3.      Why was the country divided into two different states?

4.      What role did Gandhi play in the struggle for independence? What strategy did he adopt?

5.      Vegetation varies according to the different regions. In which region can we find a vegetation varying from tropical to tundra characteristics?

6.      Which are the most important rivers?


1.      Draw a graph displaying Indian political system.

2.      How long does the President’s term last? What is his main role? In which case can the Parliament remove him?

3.      Tick the duties of the Parliament:

  • Make laws

  • Guarantee the respect of the laws

  • Protect children’s rights

  • Amend constitution

  • Punish criminals

  • Elect the President and the Vice president

  • Approve a proclamation of emergency

  • Help poor families through a specific policy


1.      Which kind of discrimination still exists in India? Cite some percentage data to support your topic.

2.      What religions coexist in India? How do religions affect Indian hierarchical social system?

3.      What do statistics show about literacy?

4.      Draw a graph showing Indian School System.


1.      What are the most important Indian products and activities?

2.      Explain the Green and White Revolutions. Were they successful?


1.      What are the main ingredients in Indian cooking?

2.      Describe the different kinds of Indian breakfast.

3.      Explain the difference between Eastern and Western appetizers and make some examples of Indian appetizers.


1.      How long does Dussehra last? What does it celebrate?

2.      What does the word Deepavali literally mean? Why is that festival so called?

3.      How do people celebrate the Holi festival?

4.      What religion celebrates Janmashtami?

5.      Who is Ganesh? How is it represented?



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