Time in Art di Emilia Ferri

The four seasons and the months

The time is also represented simply in its running, painting allegories of months and of seasons [I] . Every season (or month) has its peculiarity: for example, Spring is represented with images that remember the birth of nature and love, Summer with the harvest, Autumn with the vintage, Winter with landscapes covered by the snow [E] . Important paintings with the four seasons were realized by several painters, for examples by Bruegel in the Northern Europe (his is the first landscape with snow in History of Art), or by the Bassano family in the North Italy (in Veneto area).

The most famous version of the Spring is the one created by Sandro Botticelli [E & I] [F] [ES] in Florence in the XV century: the Spring, imagined as a beautiful young woman in a flowered nature, is also an allegory of the cultural Renassaince.



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Edurete.org Roberto Trinchero