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Segnalato da: Candido Abramo

Creative writing
This is a comprehensive list of the writing activities available on

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Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Stretching, ill. 25, épaules, bras
Exercice de stretching pour les épaules et les bras conseillé surtout avant la course et avant et après le volleyball et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 26, épaules, bras, triceps brachial
Exercice de stretching pour les épaules, les bras, le triceps brachial conseillé avant et après le volleyball, le basketball et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 27, épaules, bras, pectoraux
Exercice de stretching pour les épaules, les bras et les pectoraux conseillé surtout avant la course et avant et après le volleyball

Segnalato da: Pagliero liliana
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Stretching, ill. 28, épaules, pectoraux
Exercice de stretching pour les épaules et les pectoraux conseillé surtout avant et après le football

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 29, pectoraux, avant-bras
Exercice de stretching pour les pectoraux et les avant-bras conseillé avant et après le football, le volleyball, le basketball et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 30, épaules, grand dorsal
Exercice de stretching pour les épaules et le gran dorsal conseillé avant et après le football, le volleyball et le basketball

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 31, bras, épaules, grand dorsal
Exercice de stretching pour les bras, les épaules et le gran dorsal conseillé avant et après le football, le basketball et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Curso en el sistema inmuritario ( inmunidad especifica); diccionario ilustrado de términos médicos de Istituto Quimico Biologico (con animaciòn asociada).

Segnalato da: Annalisa Balanzoni

Stretching, ill. 32, trapèze, cou
Exercice de stretching pour le prapèze et le cou conseillé surtout avant et après le volleyball, le basketball et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching. ill. 33, trapèze, cou, sterno-cleido-mastoidien
Exercice de stretching pour le trapèze, les muscles laterales du cou et le sterno.cleido-mastoidien conseillé surtout avant et après le football, le basketball, les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Stretching, ill. 34, grand dorsal, trapèze, muscles épineux
Exercice de stretching pour le grand dorsal, le trapèze et les muscles épineux conseillé surtout avant et après le football et les arts martiaux

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
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Rewriting oneself
The narrative social-constructionist approach to learning how to communicate interculturally in a second language ('critical cross-cultural capability in an L2') is based on relocating teller and listener in a new world of existential values. Students create personas coherent with the target culture, ones with whom they can readily identify in brief, self-authored oral or written narratives which they then enact in real-life situations. Through 'rewriting themselves' the students extend both their own and their interlocutors' horizons of understanding. This de- and re-centring capability, based on a self-induced transformation of consciousness, is essential for effective communication in intercultural situations. What is more, acquiring this capability facilitates learning the more formal, mechanical features of the L2.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

We've already begun to turn this discussion from your perspective as a reader to your perspective as a writer. Now let's complete that turn. No less than when you are a reader, when you are a writer you are also always standing at a border, always trying to find the most effective ways of conveying your thoughts, ideas, emotions, interpretations, and meaning to a reader. You are always at a border when you're trying to translate what is in your head onto the page. It isn't just the case that your words and ideas look different on the page than they sound in your head (though they do), but that in many writing situations, the kind of language you have to use isn't the language you're used to using.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Routine de stretching: après la course
Exercices spécifique conseillés après la course: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
** Routine après la course.jpg

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC).
Description of MHC to university level with profits cartoons and

Segnalato da: Annalisa Balanzoni

Editing: Revise & Rewrite
After writing your story, you may need to go back and look over what you have written and make improvements. This is different to proof-reading as it involves looking at the story and seeing if it is working. Are the events happening in the right order? Is one chapter too long? Do you need to cut out a character?

If you leave some time between writing your story and starting the rewrite you can look at the story with fresh eyes.

In your rewrite, cut down on anything that gets in the way of telling the story.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Routine de stretching: avant la course
Exercices spécifique conseillés avant la course: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
** Routine avant la course.jpg

traci's lists of ten
During the Fall, a couple teachers asked me to tackle a list of creative writing assignments. It's taken me a while, but here they are.

While they are all phrased for creative writing assignments here, many of them could be revised to work for other kinds of essays. The Show & Tell assignment and the Scavenger Hunt assignment, for example, could easily become descriptive essays. The Childhood Place short story could be revised to be a personal narrative.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Routine de stretching: après la course
Exercices spécifique conseillés après la course: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
*** Routine après la course.jpg

Routine de stretching: football
Exercices spécifique conseillés pour le football: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
*** Routine pour le football.jpg

Routine de stretching: volleyball
Exercices spécifique conseillés pour le volleyball: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
*** Routine pour le volleyball.jpg

Creative Writing
12 Dialogue Exercises
Acknowledging that dialogue is hard to write well, this site lists problems to avoid and activities to help improve the writing of dialogue. It also suggests some examples of outstanding dialogue writing.

15 Exercises for Writers
Opportunities to practice a variety of creative writing skills.

100 Quick Writing Ideas
A list of ideas for journal topics.

Building Characters with Adversity
This site lists types of adversity and suggestions for developing characters.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Routine de stretching
Exercices spécifiques conseillés pour le basketball: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
*** Routine pour le basketball.jpg

Routine de stretching: arts martiaux
Exercices spécifiquee conseillés pour les arts martiaux: routine complète

Segnalato da: Pagliero Liliana
*** Routine pour les arts martiaux.jpg

Write on! - Creative writing as language practice
What are the benefits of creative writing in the language classroom?

For language learners in general
There are three areas in which language learners at an intermediate level and above can benefit from creative writing.

Students express themselves and their own ideas. Most teachers would agree that what we want to say, what comes from the heart, we are happier to work on. Creative writing can be very stimulating and a lot of fun.

Creative writing involves playful but rigorous work with language. A lot of people seem to associate creative writing with an "anything goes" mentality. However, in order to produce a good text, poem, short story or dramatic scene, the language needs to be correct and it needs to work.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH)
Description de MHC au niveau d'université avec des dessins animés et images de structure secondaire et tridimensionnel à le Chapitre

Segnalato da: Annalisa Balanzoni

Creative Writing in a World Classroom on the Internet
Purpose: --To develop multi-cultural awareness and an appreciation and tolerance for differences between people and places.
--To deepen student's sense of self in relation to others.
--To promote and stimulate written and oral language in the classroom.
--To foster student-to-student interaction on-line and in the classroom.
--Engage and empower students via direct access to relevant activities.
To validate original student writing as appropriate reading material in our classes.
--To implement the writing strands as outlined the California Language Arts framework

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

Developing Task-based Writing with Adolescent EFL Students
Writing is a social act. Even when writers are English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students in a language classroom context, their texts always reflect their ability to solve a rhetoric problem, and their awareness of their own communicative goals, of the reader, and of the writing context. (Atkinson, 2003).

Consequently, the text produced by EFL writers is always, as in any other writing situation, the product of a socio-cognitive process which requires complex cognitive abilities, as well as linguistic and cultural competence (Grabe & Kaplan, 1996; Johns, 1997).

This text describes a learning sequence designed for an English as a foreign language class of Portuguese ninth graders, with five years of EFL. The learning sequence is planned according to the principles of task-based learning methodologies, in a communicative language teaching approach.

Segnalato da: Olga Cotronei

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