An Outline of Anglo-Saxon Britain di Antonella Gagliostro (, Claudio Gurgone (, Santina Santoro (, Tassinari (

Lesson Plans

Old English - A Lesson Plan


Learning Objectives
Students will understand:

  • The events that brought Old English into being
  • What Old English is
  • What is the accepted way to read Old English

Essential Question(s):

  • What is Old English?
  • How did it develop?
  • How should an Old English text be read?


Assessment Evidence

True / False and multiple choice questions for the historical part.
A matching activity (match the spelling with its sound) to assess the pronunciation part.
A cloze test could be assigned to summarize the history and pronunciation of Old English



Learning Activities:

Teacher shows students some pictures connected with Anglo-Saxon culture (e.g. manuscripts, daily life scenes, etc…)

Teacher provides students with a handout from the BBC site. Students read the summary of historical events in 400 A.D., 750 – 7050 A.D. and 1066 A.D. and write a short paragraph about these three periods.

Thacher provides students with a handout on Old English pronunciation and allows students some time to read it. Teacher then helps students to understand how some words were pronounced in Old English. Teacher may want to pint out that Old English pronunciation has been reconstructed, there is in fact no evidence that the correct pronunciation is the one presented.



Some lesson plans addressing students of different levels are available. I have selected some interesting ones.

European Languages and Language Families
Old and Midlle English Students will compare Our Lord's Prayer in Old and Middle English
A lesson plan about The Wanderer and The Seafarer
A lesson Plan on the Heroes of Anglo-Saxon Literature



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Indice percorso Edita Roberto Trinchero