Learning Styles di Irene Adezati


Studies [I1] show that matching teaching styles and learning styles can significantly enhance students’ achievement at school and at home, can positively influence students’ attitudes toward their learning task and help the teacher motivate the students. What the teacher should do is not always to use the students’ preferred modes of instruction, but to learn and find a balance between his/her own preferred teaching modes and the learning preferences of his/her students, in order to avoid, on the one hand, the occurrence of stress, frustration and burnout caused by a conflict of style, and, on the other hand, to help the students strengthen their weak points by giving them the opportunity to experiment a varied range of learning approaches. We, as teachers, should learn to exploit all the range [I] [S] [S] in order to stimulate as many different styles and personalities as possible. [I1] [I2] [I3] [F1] [F2] [F3] [S1] [S2] of different activities We should try and find a balance between basic language instructions that involve, for example, a great deal of repetitive drill and memorization of vocabulary and grammar, with activities which require more spontaneous reactions. Effective instruction reaches out to all students



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