English Speaking Countries: Canada di Carola Barioglio

Activities: geography

geography activities

Now… it’s your turn !!!

Multiple Choices. Pick the right answer.

1.Canada is surrounded by three Ocean:

a.Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean

b.Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean

c.Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean

2.Canada is made up of:

a.10 provinces and 3 territories

b.10 provinces and 2 territories

c.9 provinces and 3 territories

3.Canada is:

a.One of the largest countries in the world

b.The only country in the world larger than United Stated

c.176,000 square miles smaller than Europe

4.Northern Canada is:

a.highly populated

b.totally inhabited

c.just partially inhabited

5.The capital of Canada is:




6.In January:

a.two third of the country have a temperature below zero

b.most of the regions have a temperature above zero

c.just a very small part of the country have a temperature below zero

Topographically Canada can be divided into five regions.

7.The most mountainous region is:

a.the “Cordillera region”

b.the “Canadian Shields”

c.the “Arctic provinces”

8.The most populated region is:

a.the Canadian Shields

b.the Appalachian region

c.the interior plains



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