Action Research di Cristiana Rosso


Altrichter, H.  Posch, P. and Somekh B., (1993),Teachers Investigate their work: an Introduction to the Methods of Action Research, Routledge

Elliott, J. (1991), Action Research for Educational Change, Allen and Unwin

Elliott, J. Giordan, A. e Scurati, C. (1993) La Ricerca-Azione: metodiche, strumenti, casi, Bollati Boringhieri

Schön, D. (1982) The Reflective Practitioner, Basic Books.

Stringer, E. T. (1999) Action Research: A handbook for practitioners, Newbury Park

Trombetta, C. e Rosiello, L. (2000) La Ricerca-Azione: il modello di Kurt Lewin e le sue applicazioni, Erickson



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