Human traffic

The fight against children sexual exploitation
The situation in the world and a plan of the countries to fight children sexual exploitation.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

The health risks of Human Trafficking
What is trafficking, and why is it a health issue? How are slaves affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic? How does physical abuse affect the health of slaves? What happens when slaves become pregnant? How are drugs and other substances used against slaves? After the scars fade away are slaves healed?

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

To know the problem
Trafficking is a modern-day slave trade. Traffickers use violence, coercion and deception to take people away from their homes and families, and force them to work against their will. What is trafficking? Why are people trafficked? In this website all questions answered and some case studies

Segnalato da: Federica Ferrero
Più fasce di età

Trafficking in Human Beings: UN Global Programme
Trafficking in human beings is a global issue, but a lack of systematic research means that reliable data on the trafficking of human beings that would allow comparative analyses and the design of countermeasures is scarce. What if the victim consents? Can children consent? How is “trafficking in persons” different from the smuggling of migrants?
The Global Programme against Trafficking in Human Beings launched in March 1999. Includes data collection on various smuggling routes and the methods used by organized criminal groups in trafficking, "best practices" used in combating trafficking.

Segnalato da: Federica Ferrero
19 anni in poi

Trafficking in Human Beings: what about European laws?
Briefing on a proposal for European Union Council Directive on the Short-Term Residence Permit Issued to Victims of Action to Facilitate Illegal Immigration or Trafficking in Human Beings Who Co-operate With the Competent Authorities

Segnalato da: Federica Ferrero
19 anni in poi

traffico di migranti
Prevenire e combattere il traffico di migranti via terra, ai luoghi di ingresso e uscita convenzionali o no e promuovere il trattamento umano di migranti

Segnalato da: Emanuela Bagetto
19 anni in poi

traffico umano in America Latina

Il traffico umano in America Latina ed in particolare in Venezuela sarebbe un importante snodo del traffico umano in tutto il continente americano e non solo.

Segnalato da: Emanuela Bagetto
19 anni in poi

Tráfico Humano, Direitos Humanos: Redefinindo a Proteção às Vítimas
O tráfico de pessoas envolve uma série de violações aos direitos humanos, com os crimes
cometidos pelos traficantes combinados às respostas inadequadas e pouco apropriadas dos
governos de todo o mundo. Muitas vezes, as pessoas que foram comercializadas e escapam de
sua condição, voltam a ser vítimas, desta vez do tratamento que recebem das autoridades.

Segnalato da: Federica Ferrero
Più fasce di età

Un mondo a misura di bambino
documento finale della sessione speciale sull'infanzia dell'Assemblea Generale dell'Onu del 10 maggio 2002

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

Understanding slavery
This is a project that introduces students to the broad scope of slavery trroughout history, American institutions, religion, government and home life.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

Unicef in action
Building a protection environment for children; eight elements of a protective environment.

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

Victim of trafficking for forced prostitution
The present study aims to explore the right of trafficked victims of forced prostitution to remain in destination countries through the application of legal standards found in both European Union (hereinafter EU) law and general International Human Rights law. Currently, there are a wide range of victim protection mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels which may be utilized

Segnalato da: Federica Ferrero
Più fasce di età

violenza sessuale sui minori
panoramica generale sul concetto di violenza sessuale sui minori e sulla pedofilia

Segnalato da: Valentina Zoccheddu, Daniela Pastore e Ilaria Giacometti
19 anni in poi

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