Prevenzione sanitaria/Prévention sanitaire

Malaria Research
KIT Efforts and Related Links

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Malaria Vaccine Initiative
Informations about malaria and malaria vaccines, methods for breaking the cycle of infection and mortality.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Malaria website
Medical informations about malaria: epidemiology,life cycle of parassite, maternal malaria, celebral malaria...

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Malaria: diagnosis, prophilaxsis and treatment
This web site is presented by the Division of Laboratory Medicine at Royal Perth Hospital.
It is provided for the information of Medical Practitioners and Laboratory Scientists.
It is regularly updated and provides the generally accepted best current practice.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Malattie Tropicali
Delle principali epidemie tropicali, vengono segnalate le acquisizioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche maggiormente rilevanti.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
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Malattie tropicali e non.
Propone una lista delle patologie tropicali più diffuse, unitamente ad una breve descrizione dei sintomi di ogni malattia.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa
MARA/ARMA is an international effort in support of the compilation, dissemination, and advance of malaria research in Africa. General information about conferences and workshops; plus: 1st technical report and maps on malaria distribution and other demographic data.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

mass general hospital
massachusetts general hospital website

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

sito della Mason Perkins deafness fund onlus

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Médecine d'Afrique Noire: la revue médicale de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Médecine d'Afrique Noire est la plus importante revue médicale de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Outil de formation continue, cette revue permet au praticien africain une mise à jour permanente de ses connaissances en santé tropicale. Avec un comité de patronage de 63 personnalités des plus éminentes, 150 articles publiés chaque année, 600 auteurs et co-auteurs, Médecine d'Afrique Noire est la tribune africaine par excellence qui donne une audience mondiale aux pathologies spécifiques de l'Afrique sub-saharienne.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

sito in inglese che offre informazioni di medicina generale

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Medical Symptoms
Comprehensive and reliable medical information on over 300 specific symptoms, such as abdominal pain, headaches, or  diarrhea, to allow users to search topics by what they are experiencing.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Medical virology
The Division of Medical Microbiology is involved in all activities pertaining to the promotion of improved health care and prevention of infections.
This includes training of medical students, science students and medical technologists,
as well as applied research.  
Virological investigations are undertaken by the Division of Medical Virology.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Microbiologie médicale
Epidémiologie des maladies infectieuses et des infections hospitalières, mécanismes du pouvoir pathogène, antibiotiques, vaccination et sérothérapie, bactéries impliquées dans les infections du tractus respiratoire, bactéries impliquées dans les infectio ....

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Misure di isalamento in ospedale
Razionale per le miisure di isalamento in ospedale. Elemanti fondamentali delle procedure di isolamento. Precauzioni standard. Precauzioni per malattie a trasmissione aerea. Preacauzioni per pazienti affetti da tubercolosi polmonare. Precauzioni per malattie trasmesse attraverso droplet/goccioline. Precauzioni per malattie trasmissibili per contatto.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Mosquito control in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, USA
This page is designed to help teachers and students explore the world of mosquitoes. There are a number of activities that can be used or modified for your classroom and grade level.
Our goal is to help students learn about the biology of mosquitoes and about mosquito control.

Segnalato da: Vigliocco Rosanna
Più fasce di età

The Working Group of European Mosquito Taxonomists

Segnalato da: Vigliocco Rosanna
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MSD Italia
sito di informazioni mediche per il pubblico e per addetti del settore

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

National isntitute on deafness and other communication disorders

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Oral Deaf
the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing you can find public schools and therapists. You can order free materials for parents, educators, audiologists and speech pathologists, students, and medical professionals. If you are interested in pursuring a career in oral deaf education, visit our list of Training Programs.

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

PANNA - Pesticide Action Network North America
PANNA analyzes the environmental and public health impacts of pesticides and genetically engineered crops and works to eliminate harm to people and ecosystems. It investigates the role of corporations and governments in the use and promotion of pesticides and genetically engineered crops and mobilize partner organizations and the public to hold them accountable. It works to eliminate and reduce reliance on pesticides and genetically engineered crops by promoting ecologically sound and socially just agriculture and pest management. It provides high-quality, independent resources - supplying activists, researchers, policymakers and the public around the world with technical information, analysis, training, campaign support and policy guidance.
Problems about pesticides for mosquito control

Segnalato da: Vigliocco Rosanna
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Parasitology Diagnostic Web Site
DPDx offers two complementary functions:
A Reference and Training function, in which all users can browse through concise reviews of parasites and parasitic diseases, including an image library and a review of recommended procedures for collecting, shipping, processing, and examining biologic specimens.  All material is free of copyright and users are welcome to store and copy material as they wish (please, kindly quote the source!).
A Diagnostic Assistance function, in which laboratorians and other health professionals desiring assistance in parasite identification can ask questions and/or send digital images of specimens for expedited review and consultation with DPD staff.  This assistance is free of charge.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

sito in spagnolo disponbile nella versione solo testo ricco di informazioni su didattica, formazione, mondo infantile e dell'handicap

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Poisons and Overdoses
Comprehensive and reliable medical information on over 300 poisoning and overdosing topics, ranging from acetaminophen, to brown recluse spider, to window cleaners.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

policlinico gemelli
sito del Policlinio Gemelli di Roma che offre semplici informazioni generali di medicina

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

The disease and the virus, the risk factors, polio vaccinesors, eradication strategies....

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Protocole d'intervention influenza en milieu d'hébergement et de soins de longue durée - Prévention, surveillance et contrôle.
Notions essentielles sur l'influenza (définition, contagiosité et incubation, transmission du virus, vaccin contre la grippe), prévention (vaccination, pratiques préventives de base dans les milieux d'hébergement et de soins longue durée, mesures spécifi ...

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
- to improve existing and develop new approaches for preventing, diagnosing, treating, and controlling neglected infectious diseases which are applicable, acceptable and affordable by developing endemic countries, which can be readily integrated into the health services of these countries, and which focus on the health problems of the poor.
- to strengthen the capacity of developing endemic countries to undertake the research required for developing and implementing these new and improved disease control approaches.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

SA HealthInfo: the South African Health Knowledge Network
This site provides access to full text articles, journals and newsletters, with a particular focus on HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, nutrition, medical interventions, and traditional medicine. SA HealthInfo serves as a clearinghouse for health research in southern Africa.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

SAMC Southern Africa Malaria Control
Malaria Vectors and Vector Control, Southern Africa Malaria Posters, Newsheets and Bulletins on Case Management, Mapping, Epidemics.

Segnalato da: Vigliocco Rossanna
Più fasce di età

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