Prevenzione sanitaria/Prévention sanitaire

Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health
This course (Executive Summary) is designed to provide an overview on epidemiology and the Internet for medical and health related students around the world. The concept of the course is described in the British Medical Journal as the Global Health Network University. Lecture style is described in the Nature Medicine as Hypertext Comic Books. It has 1903 lectures already.

Segnalato da: elisa bernardi
19 anni in poi

Equinet newsletter.
Current news and information about organizational activities in the health sector of southern African countries; with online back issues since April 2001.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
14-19 anni

sito in spagnolo della asociacion eunate DE FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS DE PERSONAS CON

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Food Allergy
Pictures and images,overview,causes and risk factors, prevention symptoms and signs.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Franceaudition, le portale de l'audition

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Glossary of Epidemiology Terms
The definitions given are valid as they are used in this publication but different definitions may be used in other contexts. A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Second Edition, edited by J.M. Last for the International Epidemiological Association and published by Oxford University Press, 1988, was helpful in providing a number of the definitions.  

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Greater Cincinnati Killifish Association
Fishes for mosquitoes control

Segnalato da: Vigliocco Rosanna
Più fasce di età

Guide à l'usage des formateurs, formation des personnels nouvellement recrutés : lutte contre les infections nosocomiales dans les établissements de soins.
Informations sur les infections nosocomiales, surveillance et organisation de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, obligations et responsables des personnels, bases de la prévention, hygiène des mains, tenues de protection, accidents exposants au ...

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
Più fasce di età

Guide des conduites à tenir en cas de maladie transmissible dans une collectivité d'enfants.
Introduction, mesures d'hygiène en collectivités, fiches (angine non streptococcique, bronchiolite, bronchite, conjonctivite, coqueluche, diphtérie, gale, gastroentérites, giardiase, grippe, hépatite A, hépatite B, hépatite C, impétigo, infections à cyto ...

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Hallucinations and delusions
Pagina web in inglese realizzata con la consulenza di un professore di psichiatria di Oxford.

Segnalato da: Oscar Serino; Basilio Sciacca
Più fasce di età

harvard medical School center
Welcome to the Harvard Medical School Center for Hereditary Deafness. Using this website you will be able to:
Learn about hereditary hearing loss and deafness
Learn about available genetic tests for hearing loss and deafness
Find out how to request copies of our booklet, "Understanding the Genetics of Deafness: A Guide for Patients and Families"
Access our new Deafness Gene Mutation database
Know more about the center and some of its activities
Look up opportunities to help the Center in its mission

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Health encyclopaedia
The website’s health encyclopaedia contains over 400 topics covering illnesses and conditions, tests, treatments and operations. Many topics are supported by illustrations or photographs.

Information on illnesses or conditions includes sections covering diagnosis, prevention, complications and treatment. Information about tests, treatments and operations explain why they are necessary, when they can be done, why they should be done, when they should be done, how they are performed, results, recovery and future prospects.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Health Systems Trust
This website offers current health news, downloadable reports, and links to a wide variety of health information for South Africa and the southern Africa region. "Health Systems Trust is a dynamic independent non-government organisation established in 1992 to support the transformation of the South African health system."

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Health Topics
MedlinePlus is a goldmine of good health information from the world's largest medical library, the National Library of Medicine. Health professionals and consumers alike can depend on it for information that is authoritative and up to date. MedlinePlus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 650 diseases and conditions. There are also health information in Spanish.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

The archives of an electronic forum on HIV/AIDS and other health-related issues affecting Zambia.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi
sito dedicato al mondo della sordità con attenzione ad aspetti sanitari sociali e psicologici. Il sito è disponibile in francese, spagnolo, inglese, tedesco

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

Hepatitis: overview, causes, and risk factors; symptoms and signs; prevention; pictures and images.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
Più fasce di età

Hygiène hospitalière et infections nosocomiales
Nosobase est une base de données sur l'hygiène hospitalière et la maîtrise des infections nosocomiales. Le site proprose le texte intégral des recommandations dans le domaine de l'hygiène hospitalière et de la maîtrise des infections nosocomiales. Classement par organisme (recommandations françaises et étrangères) et classement thématique.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Hygiène, désinfection, stérilisation
Prévention du risque infectieux nosocomiale,formation des professionnels de santé: ce site est alimenté par son conseil scientifique composé de médecins, de pharmaciens et d'infirmières. Il apporte des réponses approfondies et structurées aux nombreuses questions posées quotidiennement par la pratique.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

I problemi delle acque reflue nei paesi africani
Possibili obiettivi da raggiungere: proposte per individuare; standard da applicare; possibili metodologie di controllo

Segnalato da: Edoardo Chianura
Più fasce di età
*** docs/tesi_paolo/capitolo2.pdf

To craft and implement global educational and advocacy strategies to improve the quality of care provided to all people living with HIV/AIDS

19 anni in poi

Il colera
Informazioni sulle cause, i sintomi, il decorso, la diagnosi e le cure.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Il sistema immunitario
Componenti del sistema immunitario, tipi di immunità, induzione di una risposta anticorporale, gli anticorpi, interazione antigene-anticorpo.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
Più fasce di età
**, gran apuesta virtual del Grupo Ars XXI de Comunicación para los profesionales de Logopedia, Comunicación y Lenguaje cumple 4 años de vida. Y ya son más de 4.800 los profesionales tanto nacionales como internacionales que tras registrarse de forma totalmente gratuita utilizan los diferentes servicios que el portal pone diariamente a su disposición.

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
19 anni in poi

The chapter resources portion of this site was designed and created by Duane W. Sears, Professor of Immunology and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
Più fasce di età

Information abought influenza: Vaccination, infection control,clinical description and diagnosis.  

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Le Centre d’information et de ressources sur la circoncision (Info-Circoncision) est un organisme sans but lucratif situé à Montréal, Québec, Canada, qui offre de l’information, en français et en anglais, relative à la circoncision non religieuse néo-natale et à d’autres sujets qui s’y rapportent.[...]

Segnalato da: Ragazzone Elisabetta
Più fasce di età

informazioni su sordità
sito italiano che offre tutte le informazioni sulla sordità e sul suo mondo

Segnalato da: Annalisa Placca
1-5 anni

Initiative Multilatérale sur le Paludisme
Ce site Web va fournir des renseignements les plus récents sur la coopération scientifique au sein de la MIM, les offres de financement pour chercheurs scientifiques dans les pays endémiques, des annonces de réunions à venir, le bulletin d'information de la MIM et d'autres articles d'intérêt.

Segnalato da: Elisa Bernardi
19 anni in poi

Interim Influenza Vaccination Recommendations, 2004--05 Influenza Season
Priority Groups for Influenza Vaccination. Vaccination of Persons in Nonpriority Groups. Persons Who Should Not Receive Influenza Vaccine.

Segnalato da: roberto trinchero
19 anni in poi

Indietro - Pagina 3 di 6 - Avanti